Rietlanden Terminals has two large storage locations with a total surface area of more than 46 hectares. Draught restrictions apply throughout the port of Amsterdam. Except for the Aziëhaven, the following applies to us: Seagoing vessels that exceed this draught will be subject to lightering by us in IJmuiden and thus arrive at the correct draught.
The following draught restrictions apply to a water density of 1025:
- Panamax size 13.70 m
- Cape size 13.10 m
The Afrikahaven is our most recent coal terminal with a specialism in blending multiple coal types and de-ironing at deposition and retrieval. This terminal also has the following:
- Surface area of 300,000 m2
- 750 m quay right on the Afrikahaven
- 400 m in the inner harbour (Zanzibarhaven)
- Total quay length of 1150 m
- 1,6 million tons of open storage capacity
- Rail connection with a load capacity of 6 trains and a total of approx. 17,000 mt per 24 hours
The terminal at the Amerikahaven/Aziëhaven is under long term lease with two costumers. The cargoes we load and unload on their behalf are mainly scrap metals and coal intended for industrial purposes. The specifications of this terminal are as follows:
- Total surface area of 165,000 m2
- Quay length of 1,000 m
- 250 m in the inner harbour (Aziëhaven)
- Aziëhaven has a maximum draught of 11.50 m